Sunday, June 14, 2009


My second-ever ball jointed doll, Cat is an albino, from a fantasy story I was working on.

Fate and Siren

These two in-progress dolls are the beginning of a darker-themed series inspired by mythology and the fetish scene.

White Dolls for the Holiday Bazaar Part II

White Dolls for the Holiday Bazaar Part I

BFA Dolls Almost Done

This is the second-to-last stage of my show piece, which eventually incorporated shadowboxes with curtains, in addition to a pedestal with a box displaying the altered (tortured) versions of the dolls shown here.

BFA Dolls In Progress


It was a long journey with these dolls, which I started making from a master silicon mold at the beginning of the semester, worked on them for months, then destroyed to be installed in the final piece, a comment on political prisoners and torture.